

1. 在线翻译玉米爱心基金的介绍

Charity work

Li Yuchun triggered a donation craze after she was chosen in March 2006 as the ambassador for the " LIYUCHUN Fans Charity Fund " of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) to help children with leukemia. The CRCF has reported several website crashes after Li Yuchun spoke about the charity during recent public appearances. She gave her costumes worn in the Super Girl finale to charity auctions and donating the entire income of her second concert in Shanghai. So far the foundation has received more than 7,700 donations from Li Yuchun fans throughout the world, amounting to over 1,000,000 RMB and helping 21 children. Recently, this fund has raised more than 6,000,000 RMB.
Chris Lee still maintains her own down-home personality and treats “ups and downs” in a peaceful state of mind. In addition, she has always been an advocator and supporter of social charities and participated in millions of charitable activities. For example, “Yumi (Chris Lee’s fans) Love Funds” for which Chris Lee acts as the lifelong image spokesperson was set up voluntarily by her fans who wanted to express their love for their idol in the form of showing concern for society in order to call people to help the vulnerable group and thus create an optimistic and positive social atmosphere. It is not exaggerating to say that Chris Lee’s influence has far exceeded the scope of the entertainment community and as a super pop idol in China, she has become a symbolic figure in today’s society and a spiritual leader of the young generation. 



2. 英语翻译 玉米爱心基金会是全国第一个以歌迷名称命名的慈善基金

Yumi loving foundation was the first in the country to name a charitable foundation fans

3. 玉米 英文

Maize ,corn也行,不过corn更多用于“谷类” 如果楼主愿意的话不如叫它的拉丁名 Zea mays L好了

玉米 英文

4. 基金中缩写英文有哪些

5. 基金的英文是什么?

共同基金:mutual fund,它有分为开放式基金(open-end fund)还有封闭式基金(close fund)。
对冲基金:hedge fund
养老基金:pension fund

还有国家把基金翻译成unit trust。


6. 李宇春的“玉米爱心基金会”用英语怎么说?

Maize loving heart foundation

7. 谁有分级基金相关方面的外文参考文献



8. 求:Why me 上所介绍的"玉米爱心基金" 这四年所做的事情

玉米爱心基金 玉米们的爱心创造 中国红基会的公益创新 
开创国内基金会零起步先河 2009年3月19日 玉米爱心基金会成立三周年 
累积捐款超过500万元 捐助19652人次 
三年里 玉米爱心基金 捐助29名白血病等重大疾病儿童 获得重生 
分别在四川都江堰 雅安 彭州 安徽含山 甘肃敦煌等地先后落成 
四川南充遭受水灾 玉米爱心基金为村民修建房屋20余所 
5月12日 汶川地震后 玉米爱心基金为灾区捐款100万元 
此外 玉米义工默默行动 定期慰问孤儿院 福利院 长期不间断献血 
三年里 李宇春平均每年参与慈善公益活动约15个 
有爱就有希望 有希望就不要放弃!!!