

1. 张庆利的科研项目

1、1992年 参加张松如(公木)先生主持的国家“七·五”社科重点项目“中国诗歌史研究”课题组,并与李炳海先生、郭杰先生合著《先秦诗歌史论》2、1993年 主持黑龙江省教育厅科研项目“黑龙江省中国古代文学研究”3、1996年 主持黑龙江省教育厅科研项目“中国古代文学文化心理研究”4、1998年 主持黑龙江省教育厅科研项目“晏子应对艺术研究与鉴赏”5、2002年 主持黑龙江省教育厅科研项目“中国古典文学鉴赏论”6、2005年 主持黑龙江省教育厅科研项目“中国古代文学与民族精神研究”


2. 张庆国的主要科研领域与项目

 1、应用统计(under construction.......)2、生态系统分析与模拟(under construction.......)  3、景观生态学(under construction.......)  4、应用气象(under construction.......) 数学模型及其在生态系统分析中的应用研究,安徽农业大学科研成果二等奖,主持人。  实用数据分析与系统模拟软件(V1.0),计算机软件著作权,2011SR029599普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材张庆国,汪宏喜,徐丽。高等数学(农林类)。科学出版社,2011张庆国,刘爱国。高等数学学习辅导。科学出版社,2012刘迎洲,张庆国。高等数学。高等教育出版社,2012 沈艳,杨春雷,张庆国,朱雅莉.基于RBF神经网络的池州市降水序列预测.安徽农业大学学报,2012,39(3):451-456  张庆国,李鹏飞,徐丽,严力蛟,等. 皖中沿江平原水稻田CH4和N2O排放估算及其影响因素分析.土壤通报,2012,43(1):212-218  黄玉平,张庆国,汪水兵,古今今. 主成分分析在大气质量监测优化布点中的应用.安徽农业大学学报, 2011, 38(6):966-970  李洋洋,樊吉,张庆国(通讯作者),等. 麦冬与黄花菜在南方丘陵山区坡耕地保育土壤作用研究.土壤通报, 2011,42(5):1070-1076  李鹏飞,张庆国(通讯作者), 周晓飞,等. 2011. Morlet小波在铜陵降水序列分析中的应用。安徽农业大学学报,38(4):563-569  Li Xu, Pengfei Li, Chunlei Yang, Qingguo Zhang(通讯作者) and Yali Zhu.Climatologic statistical diagnoses for the precipitation data of Chizhou. In:Lansun Chen et al. Proceedings of the 5 International Congress on Mathematical Biology. 2011, World Academic Press.Volume 2, pp539-545(ISTP、EI 收录)  古今今, 张庆国(通讯作者), 汪水兵, 黄德明. 2010. 基于综合主成分及径向基网络的环境质量评价. 环境科学与技术,33(7):196-201  Xu, Li, Xiaoqing Bian, Xiaolin Qin, Qingguo Zhang and Lin Liu. 2010. Effects of grain size change on landscape pattern indices of Hefei City. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 21(5):1167-1173 (in Chinese)  Xu, Li, Qingguo Zhang, Lijiao Yan and Pengfei Li. 2010. Application of Marquardt’s algorithm with faster convergence to estimate parameters of non-linear degradation model. In: Tan, Yuanshun, Lansun Chen et al. Proceedings of the 7 conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation. Liverpool, England UK: World Academic Press, p794-796 (ISTP)  Xu, Li and Qingguo Zhang et al. 2008. Analysis of spatial structure and microclimate effects of urban green space of Hefei City. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 31(2):216-219(in Chinese)  Liu, Kedong and Qingguo Zhang et al. 2007. GIS-based analysis of the landscape spatial pattern of Hefei City. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 30(4):485-488(in Chinese)  Xu, Li, Qingguo Zhang and Xiangming Xiao. 2007. Convergence of a discrete-time age-structured population toward a given steady state through controlled immigration. Mathematical Population Studies, 14:193-201 (SCI)  Qingguo Zhang, Shuyun Yang and Xin Liu et al. 2005. Study on heat pollution of cities and the prevention ways. Journal of Hefei University of Technology, 28(4):360-364(in Chinese)  Jiang,Yuelin, Qingguo Zhang, and Shiding Zhang et al. 2005. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on nutrient quality of wheat grain. Journal of China Agricultural University, 10(1):21-25(in Chinese)  Jiang,Yuelin, Qingguo Zhang, and Wei Yue et al. 2005. Responses of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Soybean to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 21(3): 290-293(in Chinese)  Qingguo Zhang and Minghua Zhang. 2001. A GIS-based dynamic optimizing model applied in land use planning. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 28(3):83-92(in English)  Qingguo Zhang. 1999. Study on Steady Age Structure of Population Within an Opening System with Disturbing Effect. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 26(1): 105-109(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, 1998, Studies on optimizing algorithm for fitting the parameters of pesticide degradation model. Journal of Biomathematics. 13(1):84-87(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Li Hongkai. 1998. Advance of geostatistics applied in the research of landscape ecology. Ecological Research. (1): 88-93(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo and Binming Hu. 1998. A matrix model for population dynamics within opening system with immigration and emigration of individuals. In: Advanced Topics in Biomathematics, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 303-309 (ISTP)  Zhang, Qingguo, Hu Bingmin, 1997, Non-stationary time series modeling and its application in the dynamic simulation of pesticide degradation. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University. 23(6):635-639(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Hu Bingmin, 1997, Discussion on the optimum standard of ecological modelling and studies on the method of time series model-building. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University. 23(1):86-88(in Chinese)  Xu Li, Zhang, Qingguo. 1995. Studies on method of using time series analysis to build the model of the quantity dynamics of population. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 22(3):320-327(in Chinese)  Fang Yiping, Zhang, Qingguo. 1995. The application of Rayleigh model on study of chemical remains. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 22(4): 461-464(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Zou Yunding, 1994. Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite population and its application II. Synthetical estimation of population density of adult mites and its sampling technique. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 5(2): 163-167.(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Li Guiting and Xu Li, 1993. Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite population and its application I. three-dimensional spatial pattern of adult mites in apple tree. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. 4(4): 399-403.(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Li Guiting. 1993. Sequential sampling of hawthorn spider mite adults and its application in control. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20(2):162-169(in Chinese)  Xu Li, Zhang, Qingguo. 1993. Method for estimating parameters of Holling disk equation. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20(2): 179-184(in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, Xu Li, Li Guiting, 1993, Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite Tetranychus Viennensis nymphs on apple trees. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University. 20 (3): 234-240. (in Chinese)  Zhang, Qingguo, 1991. An estimating method for the parameter of Logistic curve. Journal of Biomathematics. 6(4): 116-122(in Chinese)  Proceedings  Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2011, Cellular automata modeling applied in eco-epidemiology -- Simulation of the spatial spread of epidemics with individual  contact. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology. Krakow, Poland. p1055-1056  Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2008, Deconvolution as a system analysis approach to study the complexity of ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the Second China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology. Okayama, Japan. P82-85  Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2007, Conditions for the existence of a convergence stable strategy in a discrete stage-structured population model. In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics. Campinas, Brazil. P91-95  Zhang, Qingguo et al., 2003, A GIS-based dynamical programming model for landscape pattern optimizing and its convergent algorithm. In: Proceedings of Alcalá 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Ecology. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain. P125-1

3. 张国庆的科研项目

·2010 年教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(规划基金项目),“反智主义与美国文学”,项目编号10YJA752037 ,经费9 万元。·“基于计算机网络的英语阅读课件开发”,2000年10月至2002年10月,武汉大学重点教改项目。验收合格。其他·参与高等教育出版社(2009年5月)《柯林斯COBUILD高级英汉双解词典》的编译工作。·参与湖北教育出版社(1999年9月)《走遍美国》(任晓晋主编)的编译工作,负责第1册第4-6集的翻译、注释。·参加编写《英美文学选读自学辅导(中文版)》(张伯香主编)(外研社2002 年),负责英国文学“现代主义时期文学”一章的翻译编写工作。


4. 张庆林的科研项目

主持全国教育科学“十五”规划课题教育部重点课题《运用现代教育技术促进学生创造性发展的研究》,DBB010510,2002.4。主持重庆教育科学规划课题,中小学生创造性思维能力研究,02—GJ—31,2002,12,主持全国哲学社会科学“十五”规划课题《西部大开发过程中的民众社会认知和社会行为研究》,01BSH013,2001.5。全国教育科学“八五”规划课题:企业基础教育综合改革研究。项目负责人,经费0.5 元(学校划拨)已结题(教科规办,1991年、6号)。国家教委人文社会科学“八五”规划课题《语义丰富领域问题解决的思维策略研究》,项目负责人,经费1.2万元,已结题。1993——1996、6(教社科目,1993年、2号) 全国哲学社会科学“八五”规划重点课题《大学生心理特点与教育对策研究》,主研(负责 “大学生的学习和创造”子课题),经费0.8万元(主持人划拨),已结题。四川省哲学社会科学“八五”规划重点课题《厂矿子弟校教育改革研究》,项目负责人,经费4.0万元(厂矿校筹集),已结题。国家自然科学基金项目《解决问题的启发式思维策略》,项目负责人,经费5.0万元,已结题。1994、1——1996、12(批准号3970255) 国家自然科学基金项目《儿童解决问题的思维策略的发展》,项目负责人,经费8.0万元。1998、1——2000、12(批准号39770268)全国教育科学“九五”规划课题《中小学生思维能力发展的理论与实验研究》,项目负责人,经费1.5万元(重庆市南开中学拨1.0万元,西南师大心理系拨0.5万元。1997)。国家教委人文社会科学“九五”规划课题《知识学习与思维发展》,主持,经费2.2万元。1998、10。全国教育科学“九五”规划国家教委重点课题《中小学生个性发展的理论与实验研究》,主研(负责“主体性发展与主体教育”子课题),经费0.6万元(主持人划拨)。全国教育科学“九五”规划课题《中学计算机辅助教学软件品质与教学模式的相关优化研究 》,主研(负责“学习心理与CAI”子课题),经费0.6万元(主持人划拨)。重庆市哲学社会科学“九五”规划课题(主持)《大中小学生学习习题研究》,经费0.6万元,1998、8。张庆林教授成果目录(按时间排列)张老师在国际心理学大会(ICP2004)上的论文目录Number1: Qinglin Zhang,Min Liu. New breakthrough in intelligent web-based instruction research.. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number2: Baoguo Shi,Qinglin Zhang. An Experimental Study on Undergraduates’Analogical Transfer of Disciplinary Prooblems. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number3: Dong Yang,Qinglin Zhang,Xuerong Song. On Construction of Cognitive Structure Model for Children’s Resolution of Practical Mathematical Problems. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number4: Guikang Cao,Qinglin Zhang,Huiying Shi,Jing Liang. Experimental Study on the Creative Imagination of 5-Grade pupils. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number5: Hong Zhou,Qinglin Zhang. The Study About Developmental Characteristics of Pupils ’Writing Ability. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number6: Huiying Shi,Qinglin Zhang,Guikang Cao. A Research on Tacit Knowledge of Teachers in Chinese Middle Schools. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number7: Jun Huang,Qinglin Zhang. Analysis of Individual Psychological Difference in Music Appreciation. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number8: Jiang Qiu,Qinglin Zhang. Cognitive Process of Insight: Representation Change or Progress Monitoring. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number9: Jiwei Shi,Qinglin Zhang. The Sixth Graders’Conceptual Understanding about Computational Estimation in Primary School. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number10: Jiwei Si,Qinglin Zhang. The Development of Children’s Arithmetic Computational Estimation Competence During Primary School Stage. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number11: Jing Liang,Qinglin Zhang. Study on the Sex Difference of Undergraduates’Choices When Online. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number12: Xiaorong Wu,Dong Yang,Qinglin Zhang. On Construction of Thinking Process Model for Children’s Resolution of Practical Mathematical Problems. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number13: Xiulin Zheng,Qinglin Zhang. The Effects of Physics Examples With Strategy on High School Students’Academic Achievement in Web-based Self-learning. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number14: Xinde Wu,Qinglin Zhang,Xiangyang Chen. The Experimental Study of Thinking Strategy Training About the Effect on the Ability of the Students in Senior High School Solving Chemical Calculation Problems. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number15 Yufang Zhao,Qinglin Zhang. The Prediction of Western Development Among People of West China. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number16: Zhan Xu,Qinglin Zhang. Exploring to Scale of Creative Intelligence. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number17: Zhaoming Guo,Qinglin Zhang. Creating Effective of Worked Examples. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.Number18: Zhaoming Guo,Qinglin Zhang. Developing of Intellectualized Net-course on Middle School Mathematics. The 28th International Congress of Psychology (Icp2004),Beijing,China,August 8-13,2004.

5. 张庆华的科研项目

1、电器拆解地区二恶英类化合物污染特征和地气交换规律的研究,国家自然科学青年基金,2007-2009年。2、一种新型大气被动采样技术及其在持久性有机污染物暴露评价中的应用,国家自然科学基金,2008-2010年。3、国家优先控制POPs识别技术与名录编制,国家科技支撑计划项目课题, 2008-2011年。


6. 张国庆的研究成果


7. 张晓庆的介绍



8. 张庆民的科研项目
