求the pricing of options and corporate liabilities 的中文翻译


1. 求the pricing of options and corporate liabilities 的中文翻译


求the pricing of options and corporate liabilities 的中文翻译

2. The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities的翻译,或者部分翻译。

期权定价和公司负债   我记得债务应该是debt。两者还是有点区别的。至少在资产负债表中。

3. 微观经济学论述题翻译

















 在这种情况下,跨产品类别的关系MR1 = 

小一/小二=(1 +1 / E2类)/(1 +1 /素E1) 







4. 谁提出衍生产品定价基本假设

感觉你说的应该是Black-Scholes 的衍生产品定价模型。这些基本假设是Fischer Black  和 Myron Scholes 在他们发表的 1973 的论文 "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities"最先提出来的。

不过BS模型之后进行过很多改良。其中最有名的就是Robert C. Merton在1976年的改良。所以这个BS模型也经常叫Black-Scholes-Merton模型。


5. 海外石油投资项目实物期权经济评价方法研究

刘雅馨 钱 基 熊利平 郭宝申 丁建可 干卫星
(中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083)
摘 要 高风险和分段决策的海外油气投资项目大多具有放弃、扩张和延迟等多种期权特性。本文深入研究了实物期权机理,对比贴现现金流法,加深了对项目实物期权价值的理解。结合海外油气项目,提出蒙特卡洛模拟解决波动率参数的方案,在Excel中开发应用模型并对实际案例进行价值评估,对海外油气投资项目在风险环境下的投资机会柔性管理的期权方法应用取得进展。
关键词 海外石油投资项目 经济评价 实物期权 贴现现金流 布莱克-斯科尔斯定价模型
Valuing Overseas Petroleum Exploration and Development
Projects by Means of Option Pricing Theory
LIU Yaxin,QIAN Ji,XIONG Liping,GUO Baoshen,DING Jianke,GAN Weixin
(Exploration and Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,
Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract The stage decision of the oversea petroleum exploration and development investment with high risks and many uncertainties is a kind of option activity such as abandon option,delay option,expand option.The reason and mechanism of applying the real options method in the economic evaluation of the projects are discussed in this paper.The characters of real options of the petroleum exploration and development projects are analyzed. Example analysis is provided to demonstrate the evaluation efficiency.The real option method may help to enhance the economic value and accuracy of decision making of the petroleum exploration and development projects.
Key words Overseas petroleum E&P projects;economic evaluation;real option method;NPV;B-S model
2012年我国石油对外依存度攀升至56.4%[1]。业内人士普遍认为,国内原油短期大幅增储上产较难。化解目前这种危机的有效途径是国有石油公司继续 “走出去”。
1 石油勘探开发项目期权特性分析
海外油气勘探开发项目主要采用全球公开招标的经营模式,中标者将取得资源的作业权,按照不同的合同模式支付给资源国(或企业)部分资源产品或收益,主要的合同模式包括经营许可证(License Agreement)、产品分成合同(Product Share Contract)、服务合同(Service Contract)和联合经营(Associated Operation)。其中,经营许可证和产品分成模式最为普遍,即中标者拥有资源的完全作业权,直接参与资源的生产过程且承担勘探开发风险。
2 贴现现金流法及其缺陷
3 实物期权法
3.1 机理研究
实物期权估值技术起源于金融期权领域。金融期权是金融衍生工具中的一种合约,合约的持有者在规定的时间(expiration)内有权利、但没有义务按照合约规定的价格(exercise price,strike price)购买或卖出某项资产(股票、债券等)[2]。
3.2 估值模型
经典的期权估价模型有欧式看涨期权的Black -Scholes定价模型和美式期权的二叉树期权定价模型。Black-Scholes定价模型如下:





表1 金融期权与实物期权的比较

3.3 参数解决方案
4 应用研究
4.1 项目决策背景
4.2 项目基础价值
4.2.1 项目概况
4.2.2 评估基本假设与基础方案
应用贴现现金流技术,基准折现率为10%,评估基准日为2012年1月1日,评价期从2012年至合同期末,2012年及以后的原油价格按照预测的WTI基准油价进行贴水,并考虑从2015年起通胀2.5%,基础方案如下: 产量预测

图1 某项目采用基础方案时的预测产量 投资预测
在考虑通胀的情况下,预计合同期内某公司在该项目承担的权益勘探开发投资合计为114.3百万美元,具体投资时段见表2。 成本预测
表2 某项目后续投资情况

图2 合同模式财税条款结构

4.2.3 基础方案价值
4.3 项目实物期权价值
4.3.1 参数取值 波动率参数的取值

图3 某项目敏感性分析


图4 油价三角分布


图5 分区块单位成本三角分布

3)NPV模拟值:使用水晶球软件进行10000次的蒙特卡洛模拟,得到项目均值为0.34亿美元,标准差0.71,这即是项目期权价值计算所用的波动率。项目的NPV价值模拟结果如图6所示,从图可以看出NPV大于零的累积概率是66.47%,大于NPV小于零时的累积概率,故看涨期权价值。NPV价值模拟得到的标准方差就是蒙特卡洛法模拟出的项目价值的预测波动率。 其他参数
4.3.2 延迟期权价值
4.4 项目价值
5 结论
实物期权的产生为投资价值的不确定性分析提供了新思路。该方法借用金融期权理论,将企业拥有的投资机会等同于一个买方看涨期权,假设项目价值的波动服从某种随机过程,考虑企业根据环境变化及时更改投资策略的管理柔性,并利用金融期权定价理论求解投资的机会价值,从而对传统贴现现金流法的 “要么立马投资、要么放弃投资” 的决策假设造成的项目价值低估进行了补充修正,提高了项目估值的科学性。

图6 蒙特卡洛模拟NPV结果

[1]钟晶晶.中国石油对外依存度升至57%[EB/OL].(2012-10 -25).http://finance.ifeng. com/news/hqcj/20121025/7198096.shtml.
[2]Black F,Scholes M.The pricing of options and corporate liabilities.Journal of Political Economy,1973,81(3):637~654.
[3]Copeland T E,Antikarov,V.Real options:A practitioner’s guide,1st ed.New York:Texere.2001.
[5]Damodarana A.The promise of real options.Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,2000,13(9):29~44.
[6]Johnathan M.Real Option Analysis Course,2003,42pp.
[7]哥伦比亚公开招标网站(2010).http://www.rondacolombia 2010.com.


6. black-scholes为什么可以得诺贝尔经济学奖

迈伦·斯科尔斯(Myron Samuel Scholes,1941年7月1日~)是一位美国经济学家,由于他给出了著名的布莱克-斯科尔斯期权定价公式,该法则已成为金融机构涉及金融新产品的思想方法,由此获得1997年诺贝尔经济学奖。

7. 迈伦·斯科尔斯的著作和论文



8. 高分求国贸专业论文英文参考文献

1. Risk-Based Capital Standards and the Riskiness of Bank Portfolios: Credit and Factor Risks [5.317%] 
Steven R. Grenadier & Brian J. Hall
1995 Downloadable (with restrictions)! Bank risk-based capital (RBC) standards require banks to hold differing amounts of capital for different classes of assets, based almost entirely on a credit risk criterion. The paper provides both a theoretical and empirical framework for evaluating such standards. A model outlining a pricing methodology for loans subject to default risk is presented. The model shows that the returns on such loans are affected by the complicated interaction of the likelihood of default, the consequences of default, term structure variables, and the pricing of factor risks in the economy. When we examine whether the risk weights accurately reflect bank asset risk, we find that the weights fail even in their limited goal of correctly quantifying credit risk. For example, our findings indicate that the RBC weights overpenalize home mortgages, which have an average credit loss of 13 basis points, relative to commercial and consumer loans. The RBC rules also contain a significant bias agains  

2. Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities Subject to Credit Risk [5.058%] 
Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M
Downloadable (with restrictions)! Author(s): Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M. 1995 Abstract: This article provides a new methodology for pricing and hedging derivative securities involving credit risk. Two types of credit risks are considered. The first is where the asset underlying the derivative security may default. The second is where the writer of the derivative security may default. The authors apply the foreign currency analogy of R. Jarrow and S. Turnbull (1991) to decompose the dollar payoff from a risky security into a certain payoff and a 'spot exchange rate.' Arbitrage-free valuation techniques are then employed. This methodology can be applied to corporate debt and over the counter derivatives, such as swaps and caps. Copyright 1995 by American Finance Association.  

3. The nature of credit risk in project finance [5.057%] 
Marco Sorge
Downloadable ! Author(s): Marco Sorge. 2004 Abstract: In project finance, credit risk tends to be relatively high at project inception and to diminish over the life of the project. Hence, longer-maturity loans would be cheaper than shorter-term credits.  

4. Valuation of Credit Risk in Agricultural Mortgages [5.056%] 
Sherrick, Bruce J & Barry, Peter J & Ellinger, Paul N
2000 Downloadable (with restrictions)! A credit-risk valuation model is developed and empirically implemented to estimate the cost of loss distributions across a broad set of loan-level and pool-level characteristics is used to assess insuring against credit risks in pools of agricultural mortgage loans. Probabilistic information about insurance valuation and solvency likelihood. The effects on the value of credit-risk insurance of pool size, deductibles, timing alterations, premium loadings, adverse loan selection, and changing underwriting standards are also estimated. Results indicate that actuarial insurance costs are initially highly sensitive and then become relatively insensitive as pool size increases. Copyright 2000 by American Agricultural Economics Association  

5. Could Regional and Cantonal Banks Reduce Credit Risk through National Diversification? [5.055%] 
Bertrand Rime
2007 Downloadable! This paper evaluates the reduction of credit risk that can be achieved in Switzerland by a national diversification of bank lending. Using a credit risk model based on corporate default rates, I find that the risk of a nationally diversified loan portfolio is up to 20% smaller than the sum of the risks of regional portfolios. From a financial stability perspective, this substantial risk diversification potential should motivate particular scrutiny on the more than hundred Swiss banks staying on the regional business model.  

6. The Credit Risk Transfer Market and Stability Implications for U.K. Financial Institutions [5.052%] 
Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau
Downloadable ! Author(s): Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau. 2006 Abstract: The increasing ability to trade credit risk in financial markets has facilitated its dispersion across the financial and other sectors. However, specific risks attached to credit risk transfer (CRT) instruments in a market with still-limited liquidity means that its rapid expansion may actually pose problems for financial sector stability in the event of a major negative shock to credit markets. This paper attempts to quantify the exposure of major U.K. financial groups to credit derivatives, by applying a vector autoregression (VAR) model to publicly available market prices. Our results indicate that use of credit derivatives does not pose a substantial threat to financial sector stability in the United Kingdom. Exposures across major financial institutions appear sufficiently diversified to limit the impact of any shock to the market, while major insurance companies are largely exposed to the  

7. Ratings versus equity-based credit risk modelling: an empirical analysis [5.052%] 
Pamela Nickell & William Perraudin & Simone Varotto
Downloadable ! Author(s): Pamela Nickell & William Perraudin & Simone Varotto. Abstract: Banks have recently developed new techniques for gauging the credit risk associated with portfolios of illiquid, defaultable instruments. These techniques could revolutionise banks' management of credit risk and could in the longer term serve as a more risk-sensitive basis for calculating regulatory capital on banks' loan books than the current 8% capital charge. In this paper, examples are implemented of the two main types of credit risk model developed so far: ratings-based and equity-based approaches. Using price data on large eurobond portfolios, the paper assesses, on an out-of-sample basis, how well these models track the risks they claim to measure.  

8. Comparing mortgage credit risk policies : an options-based approach [5.050%] 
Buckley, Robert & Karaguishiyeva, Gulmira & Van Order, Robert & Vecvagare, Laura
Downloadable ! Author(s): Buckley, Robert & Karaguishiyeva, Gulmira & Van Order, Robert & Vecvagare, Laura. 2003 Abstract: Buckley, Karaguishiyeva,Van Order, and Vecvagare analyze the structure of approaches to mortgage credit risk that are now being used in a number of OECD and transition economies. The authors'basic approach is to show how option pricing models can help measure and evaluate the risks of various schemes. They find that mortgage default insurance can be a cost-effective tool for both improving housing affordability and efficiently addressing some of the rationing that characterizes this market. When correctly structured, as it is in a number of transition and market countries, this kind of program can be expected to reduce nonprice rationing at an actuarially fair price. At the same time, considerable care must be exercised in the development of such instruments. Geographical risk diversification, particularly across borders, can play a major role in the success of these programs.  

9. Quadratic Portfolio Credit Risk models with Shot-noise Effects [5.049%] 
Gaspar, Raquel M. & Schmidt, Thorsten
2005 Downloadable! We propose a reduced form model for default that allows us to derive closed-form solutions to all the key ingredients in credit risk modeling: risk-free bond prices, defaultable bond prices (with and without stochastic recovery) and probabilities of survival. We show that all these quantities can be represented in general exponential quadratic forms, despite the fact that the intensity is allowed to jump producing shot-noise effects. In addition, we show how to price defaultable digital puts, CDSs and options on defaultable bonds. Further on, we study a model for portfolio credit risk where we consider both firm specific and systematic risks. The model generalizes the attempt from Duffie and Garleanu (2001). We find that the model produces realistic default correlation and clustering of defaults. Then, we show how to price first-to-default swaps, CDOs, and draw the link to currently proposed credit indices.  

10. Macro stress testing with a macroeconomic credit risk model for Finland [5.049%] 
Virolainen , Kimmo
Downloadable ! Author(s): Virolainen , Kimmo. 2004 Abstract: In the discussion paper, we employ data on industry-specific corporate sector bankruptcies over the time period from 1986 to 2003 and estimate a macroeconomic credit risk model for the Finnish corporate sector. The sample period includes a severe recession with significantly higher-than-average default rates in the early 1990s. The results suggest a significant relationship between corporate sector default rates and key macroeconomic factors including GDP, interest rates and corporate indebtedness. The estimated model is employed to analyse corporate credit risks conditional on current macroeconomic conditions. Furthermore, the paper presents some examples of applying the model to macro stress testing, ie analysing the effects of various adverse macroeconomic events on the banks’ credit risks stemming from the corporate sector. The results of the stress tests suggest that Finnish corporate sector credit risks are fairly limited in the current macr