share the games share our dreams的演讲稿


1. share the games share our dreams的演讲稿

Share the games, share our dreams

People come from all over to the world to play games, talk to people on the internet and create friendships through gaming. In school, students share games with our friends and families. One bought games can be given to as many people as wanted without having to pay the money again. Although this is not an ideal thing to do, it gives people joy and happiness. So i think that all people that create games should not make games that you need to pay money to get it as many people will share their games with other friends and family making that games not worth any money at all. As we share games, we share our dreams, we talk more to people and get more and much more engaged to the outside word. So Share the games and you will also Share your joy, Share your dreams.

Thank you (到最后别忘了说谢谢!)

share the games share our dreams的演讲稿

2. share the games share our dreams是什么意思

Share the games, share our dreams.



I. share用作及物动词 
share用作及物动词,其常用句型有:①share sth.②share sth. with sb.③share sth. between sb.等。例如: 
Everyone in the house shares the bathroom.
They shared the cake between them. 
May I share the umbrella with you? 
II. share用作不及物动词 
share用作不及物动词,其常用短语有:① share out ② share with ③ share in等。 
Miss Zhao shared out the food among the ten children.
I should share with you in the work.
She always shares (in) her mother's troubles. 