

1. 出国推荐信

    出国推荐信1  尊敬的xxx:
    出国推荐信2  亲爱的教授:  
    出国推荐信3  尊敬的领导:
    出国推荐信4  尊敬的教授:
    出国推荐信5  尊敬的先生或女士:
    出国推荐信6  尊敬的先生/女士:
    出国推荐信7  尊敬的领导:


2. 出国留学推荐信如何写?

?pwd=9v4e 提取码: 9v4e    

3. 出国留学写推荐信的问题



4. 出国留学推荐信如何写?

很多人可能之前都没有写过此类推荐信,推荐信属于一种比较特殊的文书,有着严谨的格式要求。下面爱打听网小编就从以下几个方面为准留学生们讲讲如何写一封好的推荐信。一、恰当选择推荐人留学生在准备推荐信的时候,首先要考虑自己的推荐人,理论上推荐人只要不是自己的亲属任何熟悉自己的人都可以。小编建议大家选择一些有学术地位、职称的知名人士作为自己的推荐人,如教授、副教授、研究员、副研究员等。像自己学校的校长,系主任,专业课老师,导员,之前雇主等都是不错的推荐人人选。如果推荐人在国内外学术界享有盛誉,那么你的推荐信会更加有说服力,大大助力留学申请。小编提示:一定要慎重选取你们互相最熟悉的牛人作为你的推荐人。二、注意格式推荐信作为一种特殊的文种,也有其固定的格式,行文要严谨,注意细节。要有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。小编提示:推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,最好直接由推荐人寄给学校招生办官员或申请就读学校的系主任。如果由被推荐人寄送,可将推荐信装入信封内封好后由推荐人在信封口处亲笔签名以示保密。信封正面注明"A Letter Of Recommendation",表明这是一封推荐信。三、推荐信内容1.开头:推荐信开头主要介绍推荐人的身份,推荐人与被推荐人的关系,认识时间,了解程度等人员介绍信息。并且在推荐信中一定要出现被推荐人的全名。在开头也要写明被推荐人的留学目的是研究生还是访问学者,研究方向,专业方向等信息。2.推荐信内容要客观真实。内容属于评价性的文字,因此不要张扬激进;要客观真实。除了必要的夸奖外,也可提出被推荐人不足待改进之处。3.推荐信内容可列举实例。在推荐信中,推荐人评价的被推荐人的每个意见,都可利用实例进行说明,显得更有说服力。切记不要好话连篇,给人以虚假之感。4.参考学校推荐表。往往留学生申请的大学都会有申请表,在写推荐信的时候要参考该校的推荐表所列信息进行描述。如推荐人需对申请人的聪明程度、学习目标、学习潜力、研究潜力、英语口语和写作、独立工作能力、与他人协作的能力以及学习动力等方面进行描述。5.此外,推荐信中一些固有的介绍在文章开头应作出说明,如侧重于介绍被推荐人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经历。行文中围绕被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计来书写。6.最后,推荐人可发表意见,表明态度:极力推荐或保留推荐。一封好的推荐信需要选好推荐人,千万不能抱有应付的心态,充实文章内容,客观真实有效,注意行文格式,希望推荐信能有力成为留学生们的一个打开留学大门的敲门砖。有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一。每一位准留学生们都要引起高度的注意。爱打听网小编特别提示:其实在中国,因老师时间及英语写作水平的有限,推荐信基本都是学生自己完成的,最后找推荐人签字。而在国外,推荐信大多确实是老师亲笔完成的,也有一部分教授,因向其索取推荐信的学生很多,就让学生先写成推荐信的初稿,然后教授进行修改并最终定稿。

5. 出国推荐信范文

         Letter of Recom#mendation
         In the freshman military training in 20XX, I got to know a notable queue flag holder, a student who, regardless of bloody bulla on hands, demonstrated a vexillary’s demeanor with determination. She was the right student, ***, who I intended to recom#mend to your school.
         I taught her the ideological and moral education course, and had, for many times, instructed her social practice research. She impressed me by setting out specific goals, her politeness, diligence in study, and excellent achievements; moreover, her passion on education and public utility enabled me to perceive values in her for development and cultivation of social sciences.
         I also served as subdecanal in charge of student affairs. With passion, carefulness and com#petency, *** was a right hand of me, and could independently undertake some teachers’ work. She took serving schoolmates as a pleasure, which greatly promoted her com#prehensive quality and organizing capacity. Take the *********** Cultural Lecture she presided over for example, we worried at the beginning that she might not invite the lecturer favored by students, since the time was extremely precious for famous experts and scholars, and it was sometimes very difficult for a student to invite them out. However, she took charge to organize a professional team. In order to succeed in holding the lecture, she also arranged the lecture actively by soliciting opinions of students, which added great difficulties to the lecture. Moreover, for arranging lectures on social hotspot issues in which students were interested, and for inviting famous scholars favored by students, she made the reservation one after another with patience, and even paid a dozen visits to them. As far as I knew, famous scholars were moved by her persistence and sincerity and adjusted their plans to squeeze time to give lectures. As a result, none of all the 15 lectures held by the teal led by her brought disappointment to students.
         She also took initiative to participate in several large-sized public benefit activities, such as Olympic volunteers, com#munity English tutors, and rural law popularization, etc. Besides, she served students through student societies, and took part in extensive social practice activities. All these had greatly enhanced her com#prehensive quality. Thus, she obtained multitudinous rewards in school.
         Therefore, I strongly recom#mend *** to study in your school
         Dear Sir:
         It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school.
         Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council’s project "The United States and the United Nations’ Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities. With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant.
         I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.
         Sincerely yours,
         Chung Wei-kuo
         Research Fellow and Professor
         The Institute of European and American Studies
         Academia Sinica
         人是**大学**学院一名教授,很乐意推荐**同学参加贵所的暑期学术夏令营 。
         在与该生的接触过程中可以发现,该生勤奋努力,踏实认真,积极主动,有好的专业基本功和英语读写能力。 该生在课堂上主动提问,表现出了好的总结分析能力和文字表达能力。思维活跃,工作能力出色,团队合作能力强,科研兴趣浓,有一定科研潜质和好的培养前景。


6. 出国推荐信英文

    出国推荐信英文范文3篇1      Dear Colleagues:
    As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD program.
    In September, 20xx, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, the first professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.
    Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about General Biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.
    I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program.
    Sincerely yours,
    Prof. ×××
  出国推荐信英文范文3篇2      Dear Sir or Madam,
    At the request of University of Denver, my student in Zhengzhou 19th High School, I’m providing this reference, which I hope can be useful for you to review her application to your undergraduate program.
    I have been the Chinese teacher and class director in Zhengzhou 19th High School for more than ten years. We are one of the most famous and high-quality high schools in the whole city, the faculties in our school are all renowned and highly-experienced. Though I’m relatively young in the school, I have lots of experience in Chinese teaching and student managing. I have been titled the outstanding young teacher and class-director by school and city.
    Yadi Wang came to my class in September 20xx, the semester she entered our school. I know she is talent in music. She used to performance flute in our school activities, such as in talent show. In 20xx, she passed the high level test of FLUTE LEVEL 8. She loves music that is all her classmates and school teachers know.
    YADI WANG had special leadership and friendship in my class. Once we were about to take part in our school’s drama festival. We were supposed to play a Chinese traditional drama –BAIMAONU. I analyzed some key plots and roles of this drama to my students, and then left all the other works to their own. YADI WANG was in charge of the directing and casting. It was not an easy job as it may sound. The enthusiasm made everybody ask for the leading roles, but no one was willing to take these minor ones. So YADI WANG decided to run an audition. Combined the performance in the audition and students’ actual characteristics, YADI WANG assigned everyone the most suitable role. And then, she divided the crew into several groups. Different groups rehearsed in different places at the same time. And the leading actors were the strings to connect these groups into a collectivity. Through this way, it saved lots of time, which was the scarcest thing to middle school students, to get everybody into his role. And before the final performance, she just needed to call all the actors together for a preview for once or twice. She has done even better than I had expected.
    Another time was in a seminar, we ran a debate competition about teacher’s professional ethics. YADI WANG was the leading debater of the con side. During the debate, she showed her wide knowledge and eloquence. She used lots of proverbs, history figures and examples to support her stand, and every word of her was incisive to get to the point, and also full of humors. Her performance won both her teammates and opponents’ admiration.
    Her positivity and versatility also can be found in many other aspects. She is ours school’s famous piano player who is always invited to play in many occasions. She knows the traditional skill of calligraphy writing, which she has been practicing from very small. During weekends or vacations, the "Holiday Working Team" she leads can always be found doing many community services. Normally, in order to get more students to participate in class’s management, the student cadre will change every semester or two, by student vote. But Yadi Wang has won all the elections by now, so she continued to be the monitor from the beginning of our class to today, and very likely to the graduation. All her classmates have approbated her ability, characteristics and performance. She is already a model in the class.
    In this reference, I didn’t mention much about Yadi Wang’s grade, which I believe you can easily find was so outstanding from her transcripts and her ranking (25th out of 1560 students), because I’d like to give you something that you cannot find from these documents but I think is equally important to contribute to her excellence. I do hope, according to my recommendation, you could give her a favorable review. Thank you! Please feel free to contact me.
    Sincerely Yours
    Molly Yu
  出国推荐信英文范文3篇3      Dear sir/madam:
    It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for my intelligent student, Yadi Wang. She is not only diligent but also good moral in our school. I will be very glad if my recommendation can help your evaluation of her capability.
    I am the principle of the Zhengzhou 19th High School, which is a key high school in Henan province  recent years, the 100 percent graduates from our school have been enrolled by university, and in addition, 80% graduates in our school have been recruited by national key university. I got to know her as a student of our school. She has been keeping a good balance between the arts and sciences, gaining high grades in each of them. Because of her diligent studying, she was titled several times "exemplary student" "excellent student cadres" "various abilities in a major". More importantly, she owns the industriousness and inquisitiveness in learning, and an unusual ability of abstract and analytical thinking and in-depth exploration of knowledge. Due to her outstanding performance in studying, in every semester, her ranking grade never fell down below top 5 in her grade.
    At the same time, in the social field, she manifests her powerful leader and organization capacity. Presently, these positions, she has been taking in charge of in our school, the monitor of her class, the director of the youth volunteer of environmental protection association. Moreover, she has various hobbies for example, playing the piano and Chinese calligraphy. As an editor in our school magazine, her peculiar points of view, fine style of writing, sense of humor often compose an excellent article. She has issued many excellent essays in school magazine. Her remarkable talent was appreciated by her teachers and schoolmates. Especially, in May, 20xx, she won the title of Excellent Work in Zhengzhou 15th Guanghua Cup Calligraphy Competition. This contest adequately shows her talent in art. Otherwise, she took actively part in all kinds of the social activities in her vacation, such as offering care to the olds in old people’s home, and leading various kinds of community service as a youth volunteer for propagating the theory of environmental protection in the street and cleaning the mother river of this city and etc. All these activities constantly improve her social practice ability.
    Finally, I honestly recommend her to you, with the hope that she can get the best chance to develop her enthusiasm as well as talents in your first-class university as to make her internationalization intellectual. I will highly appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. Please feel free to contact me if there’s any further information you need.
    Sincerely yours,
    April 25, 20xx

7. 出国公司推荐信范文怎么写

         邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ (可分行列明)
         November 10, 1999
         To Whom It May Concern: xiao688.com
         This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the NY University since Jun 1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July 1993 to Sept. 1994).
         Mr. Li's main duties and responsibilities are as follows:
         Design, develop and install various computer hardware, software and network systems for banks.Determine and analyze the requirements of each system project into related componets solved through the application of computer technology. Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for network systems and control systems. Supervise computer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.
         Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the following projects:
         The first engineering design of city general business computer network system. Upgrading bank's system for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBM AS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530. The design development and test of city general business computer network system. The design and development network and database systems for the Golden Credit Card Project.
         Mr. Li is well experienced with IBM AS/400 system analysis, TCP/IP protocol, SNA protocol and LAN; proficient in RPGIII, VB, C/C++ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX, Informix, Client/Server etc.
         Mr. Li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.
         Sincerely yours,
         Zhang Jianguo
         Senior Engineer and Technical Manage
         Company Name, Address, Tex & Fax


8. 出国留学用的推 荐信怎 么写?

1. 就学校方面
3. 就推荐者方面
1. 被推荐者全名:不可全文都只写Mr. Huang和Miss He,需要明确写出被推荐者的全明至少一次。
2. 认识期间:何时认识?或认识多久?
3. 认识程度:偶尔见面或者密切接触,例如任课老师或者班主任等。
4. 与申请人之间的关系:老师或者部门主管等。
5. 学业成绩:讨论申请人擅长与不擅长的学习领域。
6. 个人成就:在学校、工作或家庭中的特殊表现。如曾经获得某种奖学金、工作中表现优秀等。
7. 特殊才能:语言、艺术、体育等方面的特殊能力。

1. 被推荐人的基本情况介绍。侧重于个人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经历。
2. 出国留学推荐人对出国留学被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所具备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价出国留学被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉更令人情服,更具有实际意义。
3. 出国留学推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。
4. 推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人出国留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。
如果大学提供了现成的出国留学推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。在学校为学生提供的出国留学推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前 5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到该情形可填"I don't know",亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。